Legal System Publications
Showing 41 - 60 of 208 results
Government Response to Australian Law Reform Commission Report 138: Without Fear or Favour: Judicial Impartiality and the Law on Bias
The formal Australian Government response to ALRC Report 138: Without Fear or Favour: Judicial Impartiality and the Law on Bias. The response states that the government welcomes and supports recommendations 5, 7 and 8. It will note the recommendations directed at other stakeholders, provide a broad policy statement directed at the work of the ALRC, and note the alignment of the report with the government's commitment to restoring and enhancing integrity and to implementing key reforms.
Review of the Native Title Anthropologist Grant Program
This is the 2022 review of the Native Title Anthropologist Grant Program. The review was conducted independent of the Attorney-General's Department by First Nations consulting firm Inside Policy.
Report – 2021-2022 Review of the Legislation Act 2003
Report of the 2021-2022 review of the Legislation Act 2003.
OLSC compliance statistics 2020-21 financial year
In support of its role in monitoring compliance with the Legal Services Directions 2017, Office of Legal Services Coordination (OLSC) publishes statistical information about non-compliance.
Submissions received for the consultation on the bankruptcy system and impacts of coronavirus
Submissions received in response to the Australian Government’s consultation on the bankruptcy system and impacts of coronavirus.
Justice Policy Partnership Work Plan 2021-2022
The Justice Policy Partnership Work Plan 2021-2022 was the first annual work plan for the Justice Policy Partnership. The work plan includes actions for all governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives to develop a joined-up approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice policy.
Submissions – 2021-2022 Review of the Legislation Act 2003
Public submissions to the 2021-2022 review of the Legislation Act 2003.
Submissions received for the inquiry into the use of the term good faith in civil penalty and criminal offence provisions in Commonwealth legislation
The department is conducting an inquiry into the use of the term good faith in civil penalty and offence provisions in Commonwealth legislation. The inquiry released a consultation paper and invited submissions. This page provides access to the submissions received by the inquiry.
Attorney-General's Department – Legal services expenditure 2020–21
A statement of the Attorney-General’s Department’s legal services expenditure for the 2020-21 financial year.
Afghanistan Inquiry Legal Assistance Scheme Application form
This application form is for assistance with legal representation costs and/or disbursements to assist in appropriate response to the AFP/OSI investigation.
Afghanistan Inquiry Legal Assistance Scheme Assessment of Costs
This document applies to the assessment of costs relating to the Afghanistan Inquiry Legal Assistance Scheme grants and is used to determine whether costs claimed under grants of financial assistance are reasonable.
Afghanistan Inquiry Legal Assistance Scheme Guidelines
These guidelines deal with making grants of financial assistance to members and former members of the Australian Defence Force responding to matters relating to the Afghanistan Inquiry.
Justice Policy Partnership Meeting Summaries
Summary of meeting outcomes from the first Justice Policy Partnership Meeting.
Agreement to Implement the Justice Policy Partnership
The Agreement to Implement the Justice Policy Partnership is the mechanism for the parties to develop a joined-up approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice policy.
Discussion paper – 2021-2022 Review of the Legislation Act 2003
As part of the 2021-2022 review of the Legislation Act 2003, the Review Committee released this discussion paper which was designed to assist stakeholders to provide feedback and submissions to the review by providing background information and posing questions.
Application form for legal financial assistance – Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
This application form is for assistance with legal representation costs and/or disbursements arising from an entity engaging with the Royal Commission into Defence Veteran Suicide.
Commonwealth Guidelines for Legal Financial Assistance 2012: Addendum for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
Subsection 3.5(d) of the Commonwealth Guidelines for Financial Assistance 2012 (the Guidelines) establishes the royal commissions and inquiries scheme. This addendum modifies the operation of the Guidelines with regard to applications for legal financial assistance associated with the inquiries of the Royal Commission into Defence Veteran Suicide.
Annual Certificate of Compliance – Template
The Annual Certificate of Compliance is a document that agencies complete at the end of each financial year to set out the extent to which the agency believes it has complied with the Legal Services Directions 2017.
National Legal Assistance Data Standards Manual
Data is collected in accordance with the manual across the legal assistance sector. To ensure that the document remains relevant and is fit-for-purpose we will conduct an annual review in consultation with state and territory governments and the legal assistance sector.
National Legal Assistance Data Strategy
The National Legal Assistance Data Strategy was developed in accordance with the National Legal Assistance Partnership 2020-25 (NLAP). It sets the policy framework for the collection, storage, reporting, transmission, and analysis of data that is collected and reported under the NLAP.