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Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 – Exposure Draft consultation

Closing date

The Bankruptcy Regulations 1996 are due to sunset on 1 April 2021. We have been working to remake the existing regulations, with minor and technical amendments proposed.

Read the Exposure Draft for the Bankruptcy Regulations 2021.

We invite public submissions on the exposure draft. Our Discussion paper: Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 outlines the main changes in the new regulations.

Discussion questions are included to guide feedback. However, you are welcome to provide general comments and further suggestions relevant to the new regulations.


Make a submission

Email your submission, as a Word document, to

Submissions close 10 January 2021.

We may publish submissions on this website. If you do not want your submission to be published, mark it as confidential.

Note: Submissions or comments are generally subject to freedom of information processes.

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